In 1712, Peter Vigne was preaching in a nearby village, Colombier le Jeune.
From the start he was inspired by this beautiful hamlet, and the surrounding hills and valley. He saw in it strange resemblance to Jerusalem, and at once decided to build a Way of the Cross, Way of Life.
Peter Vigne House is home to a community and Museum dedicated to Peter Vigne and the life of the Blessed Sacrement Sisters.
The Peter Vigne Way is an exceptional illustration of the Way of the Cross in beautiful countryside and comprises 39 stations, reflecting on the Passion and Ressurection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
“Every founder is a like a WORD, which in its depths bears the divine charity which enlivens and unites all things”.
Synod on Religious Life.
In the medieval church you can visit the tomb of Peter Vigne.