
Who are we ?


The source and strength of the enthusiasm and fervour that animated Blessed Peter Vigne and our first 7 sisters was the Eucharist. Brighter than the sun, Jesus present in this Sacrament of love spreads his light and illuminates every aspect of human existence.


O Jesus, so ardently loved,
would that you were
known everywhere……
for out of love for us you chose
to remain hidden
under the signs of bread and wine,
until the end of time

Bx Peter Vigne (1670-1740)

“Our Eucharistic vocation gives our mission to the world its specific character, which is to seek the intimacy of God, who alone can sanctify us. This we do by allowing the Holy Eucharist to pervade all our actions throughout our life” (Rule of Life)


By contemplating Jesus crucified…giving his life to the end in Love, by our participation in the Eucharist, by adoration and fraternal life, we encounter the One whom we love and from whom we wish to learn “the art of loving”

Céramique de sr Mercedes – Dourgne

« Having loved his own
who were in the world,
Jesus loved them to the end… » Jonn 13,1

From 1715 in Boucieu le Roi, we have today many religious communities present in 3 continents.


Whatever our age or situation we are all missionaries wherever we are sent to “accompany the pilgrims” of our day :

Those who are trying to make sense of life, today’s poor……children, young people, the sick, families, elderly people, the marginalised….

We want to share with them
the immense riches of the death and resurrection
of Christ who draws us into his orbit of LIFE.
It moves us closer to those who are suffering,
to participate in the “hour” of Christ,
to see the Cross as a support,
a power that calls us
to journey in Hope, to new LIFE
for ourselves and for our contemporaries.


At the school of Mary, “Beautiful Tabernacle of God among men” filled with the presence of Jesus Christ, we are invited to “rejoice” and receive the gift of JOY….to journey to others sharing the joy we received and experiencing every encounter as a “Visitation”.